Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ketika Cinta Bertasbih

I've started my new year with Habiburahman El Shirazy's dwilogy of Ketika Cinta Bertasbih ..

it cost about RM 48 plus for this two novel. A buy that worth every ringgit I must say.

I took 3 days to finish the first novel while waiting for eliana [ as her housewife? huhu ] and went on full throttle (maybe have skipped one or two pages) ...
for this second chapter, still in progress... huhu

A story about Khairul Azzam an excellent student and he was the only Indonesian who scored jayyid jiddan (excellent grade) in the first year in Al Azhar. Unfortunately not long after that his father died because of an accident. He have 2 little sisters back in indonesia plus his mom just delivered a baby girl.

As for that he made a decision to abandon his idealism of an outstanding and excellent achievement in academic. He took responsibility to support his family by selling tempe, bakso and being a cook for special occasion in Egypt.
That made his study badly affected. After 9 years he still not finished his study yet. A very touching and motivating story for all those self proclaimed 'damn struggling student' like me!if u think so... hehe

A must read novel category..
i must say that this novel is so touching n it did makes me cry...
i sms erina right after i finish the first one... because i can't stand the burden of the story..
it do make my heart pain - crush...

hanya tinggal HIdAYAH untuk kita menerima dan menginsafi diri..
that's what i feel when i read it..
n still, i'm lack in many things, many ways - nilai nilai ISLAM n the way i potrays as a MUSLIMAH...

so, people, go and read this novel... then you will realize..
what is life
and how you measure the person you love...
sayang seseorang itu jgn melebihi tahap batas keimanan...
apa sebenarnya CINTA yg dibenarkan...

I really recommend you guys to read this novel. It's not the same "flavour" with the other malay novel thats available on the market today. Its form is at its purest. The style of its narrations, the choices of words used are really well thought off. And tears were flown down through my eyes when I read one of its chapter. Believe it! And as much I want to deny it, this novel really blew me apart.

ah-- i overacted... hehe..
Read it my fellow friends, and get ready to be blown away!


xtaw apa nk mapek..
juz nk menaip...
tgh tgk CSI :NY ...
smbl menen
dang ayie yg tgh tito kt sebelah...
n membaca info about jimmy lin..

apa yg ak merapek? ntah..

m.. i miss joongbo couple..
i miss their lovely
dubey act...
duii.. apa masalah.. hehe... but they are reallly cute couple...
dpt dh tgk rncgn dorg..
seb bek a
de blog fanatik joongbo couple.. at least dpt gk taw perkembang dorg...
hwang buin stil gogeous as usual.. n hyun joong stil comel.. alololo...

apa ko mapek nh setan... aish..

baru2 nh.. sorg novelis kt msia nh kontek ak..
walopn xmebi r org xkenal sgt mcm
dr tuah or aisya sofea or sharifah abu salem [ sb dh lama bertapak lam dunia penulisan ] , tp karya die ak rs ramai org bace..
n my sweat lela, ha
diahkan ak buku tulisan die last 4 yrs...
leeya myra.. she aske
d me to visit her blog.. n if i leave any comment, i will get her new book.. yattaaa...
n i
did.. tgu jek nh.. xdapat ak komplen nnt.. huhu
m.. nak aje ak suh
die wat novel yg ade motivasi dr cintan cintun.. hehe

novel ---
m, lam 2 bln nh ak abs bace lam 6novel.. rs nye..

dr tuah iskandar - pelangi membeku [ ok lah.. mencabar kesabaran membacenye, tp stil - jd lah org yg luar biasa ]
ramlee awang murshi
d - ranggau [ best kot .. hehe ] aisya sofea - selagi ada dia [ bosan.. mcm cerita yg sama mcm novel2 dulu - seb bek Aai yg beli ]
hlovate - tunas [ best banget - windu zaman skoollah... ]
habiburahman el shirazy - ketika cinta bertasbih 1 [ nanis ak bace.. betapa in
dahnya ISLAM n betapa hidup ini penuh warna corak kehidupan yg pelbagai ]
elman haykal -
dekat di hati [ great motivation to develop me to be sum1 yg berpikir luar dr kotak or perkara hidup biasa ]
d baru beli - ketika cinta bertasbih 2.. xsabar nk taw kisah azzam...
mahal siak novel nh.. tp ak berjaya men
dapt donation dr mama n abah ngn cara meletakkn buku itu ketika mereka membayar buku2 yg mereka bli tuk ayie... muahaha.. pandai anak abah :p

d abah bawak ak mama ayie aai g KP.. g bli permata hijrah .. ubat yg erina bgtaw last month, n ak bgtaw abah.. n abah nk bli tuk mama... mama xnak sb ubat tu pada die mahai, n xsure lg ok ke x...
abah jawab," abah xtahan tgk mata mama.. asek berair jek... xpe, mahai pn,
duit boleh cari.. kite ikhtiar"....
hehe.. soun
d romantic tu..
ahaks... mn nk
dpt laki mcm abh... hoho...

m, ak mapek apa lg.. ahaks
erina, if u rea
d this, ayie found a new hobby..
---- chess...
n abs gw kena paksa men chess wahal gw xtaw apa2.. tp sonok gak r.. wa men ikt wa nye rules... ehehe
die tibe2 terpilih men chess wakil skola... ptt le tetibe nk men chess.. abs wit kena likn set chess for him..bakerou...
n siang t
d [ jan 20 ] die ade game - kalah 3 kali, menang sekali... hehe
day [ jan 21 ] die ade game lg.. tp die demam la plak... ciyan...

n by the way... ak maleh nk guna hp lately..
n i aban
doned my phone ...
mana2 ntah ak letak.. hehe
kecuali my sis ter-angkat my phone call.. oraite ...
so, sorry la tuk sape2 yg xterangkat phone nye.. hehe

okeh.. wa chow lu.. nk layan vegas laks.. hehe

Monday, January 19, 2009

cik Ti or mak menti...

baru2 nh uma ak ade org baru...
org baru? erk.. haiwan peliharaan baru kot...
apa dia? menatang itu ialah cik TI.... or mak menti.. taw kan apa? hehe...
law b4 nh cik teru ckp psl cheeechuckkkk... ak nk cite psl mak menti... quite interesting..

ak xtaw menatang nh wujud lam uma kami, smp 1 subuh adk ak nampak natang tu berjalan kt tepi tingkap sebelah katil ak.. isk2.. bahaya tol...

then one day, ak nh yg sll titon lambt, ternmpk la cik ti nh berjalan2 kt dapur.. ak wat dow jek... esoknya pon "die" maen cak ku cak ngn ak kt dapor.. haha...

tp yg xlh blah.. ak xkn lupe.. malam nye tu, ak msk toilet, br nk ttp pintu, die melompat dr lubang jamban.. erk.. jijik nye... melompat skali la ak terperanjat.. dh r xpakai spex.. seb bek xpijak ke apa.. huhu.. die pon duk pusing2 keliling ak.. binawe... ahahaha

subuh nye tu, abah ak lak kena ms mandi.. ngeh2... tobat dr tu ak xmandi or msk lgsg toilet blakang.. msk bilik ma ak.. keke...

mlm nye tu, ma ak pn sembur la kt tmpt yg die baget natang tu duduk... abs ridset ma ak sembur2..aish..

skali menatang tu balas dendam.. die gigit wayar2 lam washing machine.. ingt kn nape la mesin basuh tu asek error.. apa la rosak.. bla abh ak bukak cek , 2 wayar putus.. gaya mcm kena gigit... mesti cik TI nh..

abah ak betolkn, boleh la fungsi balik... malam tu ma ak marah2... esk nya, jd lg.. kali nh 3 wayar putus...
perghh... abah ak sabo lg.. die betolkn lagi ngn ak.. xpasal ak laks kena men wiring...

esknya, abh ak beli jerat cik ti.. tp mlm tu cik tu xkuor pn... 2 mlm r kami psg, tp xda kena natang tu....
.tp yg xbeh nye, wayar putus lg...
kali nh dasat gla kes abs sume wyar lam tu die geget... ade 4 rs nya.. abah pn geram jek kan... hehe... mlm2 ak betolkn lg wiring... pastu kami test la mesin tu tanpa tgk kt lam tmpt bj berpusing tu...

pgnye, abah ak g tgk tmpt mesin tu, skali tgk natang tu mampos lam mesin.. haha.. muncung nye tercepit... agknye mlm td ms kami test mesin, die ade lam tu.. hahaha.. cian..
maka tamat riwayat nye.. huhu...

tp kan.. di kala ak menaip nh, ak terdgr munyik2 menatang tu..
adakah sedara mara nye mai nk tuntut keadilan?

otanjoubi omedetou..

new year - new hope.. althought dh 20 hr kta lam tahun yg baru.. hehe..
lambt wat entry...

harapan ak tok thn br nh - nak lebih baek dr thn lps ..
thn lps pd ak agk sucks!!
haha.. tp awl thn nh pn hidup ak agk kelam kabut sb apa yg ak rncg xmenjadi...
cis.. permulaan yg agk teruk..
apapun.. harap semua nye berjalan lancar kali nh.... AMINN

here, ak nk wish bday for jan babys tua... ahaha
bday girl - 3rd jan

lela birth - 19th...
date ngn 5d..

the others :

maira - 5th
ijah - 10th
devilito / dayah - 31..
akrima - 13th if xsilap
jaja - 30 kot.. haha

apapun.. harap semua bahagia n tercapai apa yg
di idamkn...