salam sejahtera...
sejahtera ke atas kamu...
m... nk cite nh...
kire kategori mengumpat ker? ak pn dok tahu...
tp menda nh hakikat.... ngeh2...
ak bekerja kt 1 institusi pengajian swasta...
as marketing executive...
dgr mcm best kan? at first ak pn mcm tu...
nak2 bla sorg akak yg ak kenal, keje kt situ, cte betapa besh nye keje sini.. ngn elaun makan n mcm2....
tp bla dh di terima, and dh kerja, m.. jauh panggang dari api...
memula keje ak fikir, xpe la kot.. keje tuk sementara...
n nak cr pengalaman...
tp pelik, start keje ari sabtu....
then ak di arahkan keje ari ahad....
di sabitkan ak nh br keje, ak ikut jek la...
but then, dalam 7 minggu direct ak keje... termasuk hari ahad....
makna nya, ak dh keje 56jam seminggu....
masa tu ak kena back pain yg gla sakit... migrain.. letih toksah cakap la...
time nk spend ngn family n kwn2 pn xda... sadis..
tp seb bek bln pose ade, ak amk kesempatan .. xdtg hari ahad...
bla bos n membe keje tny, ak jwb, nk wat kueh raya... aahahahaha....
then, ak keje sini gaji kontrak pada mulanya...
n gaji twice per month.. makna nye, 30 hb ak dpt gaji hari, 15hb ak dpt gaji tuk kiraan elaun rm10 sehari....
ak nh xda tanggungan, juz bg adik2 n mak abah selain byr wit bodben sendrik.. kire leh la ade baki lebih...
tp kesian kt kwn2 yg nk kena byr kete.. gaji yg dpt ciput jek... ngeh2....
sape kata keje marketing gaji byk? lawak2.....
then, 1 menda yg wat ak marah is, everytime gaji msk, bos akan suh kami g print akaun statement... die nk .. takut kiraan gaji salah..
klu free xpe la gak.. nh sekali buat, rm1 kena..
kdg2 tu 2 - 3 kali die mintak akaun statement... cam siot jek...
ade sekali tu, mesin rosak.. kena mintak kt kaunter, ak n sorg pekerja tu kena byr rm5 sorg...
maki hamun ak.. ak mintk claim.. die leh jwb, tu kan akaun bank awak...
aik...mmg la akaun bank ak.. tp bkn ak nk statement tu... die diam, tp die jwb menda yg sme jek kt ak n naim pastu ... ngn suara yang mmg kurang ajo gle...
haish.... pk jek die ngandung.. sabo.. sabo...
baru- baru nh laks ak terlibat ngn program khidmat masyarakat...
program nh mmg kolej nh sokmo buat sb nk promote kt org kg n setempat la..
ngn bawak student buat khidmat masyarakat nh...
selalunya kami wat , cek BMI, tahap kolesterol and tekanan darah org yg mai booth kami...
n ritu ak di tugaskan pegi ke felda jengka bersama bos n student2 kolej nh n 2 other staf .. ngn sorg CI ( clinical instruction ) ......
ak ngn bos cmpr student n CI semua skali 6 org... 2 lg staf tu laki...
program tu laks amk ms 2 hari, so kami kena la stay sane...
boleh pihak pengurusan bagi kami duit hotel, RM 200 jek tuk 8 org nh?
ak dh mengeluh.. mcm mana nh.. hotel sume ats rm80... xleh nk pakai wit sendrik...
1- duit pn xberapa nk ado... 2 - kami kan wat keje kolej, npe xbg lebih sket? gla tol..
so ak n 5 org lg berhimpit la lam 1 bilik hotel.. lucky bilik tu agak besau.. law x.. xtaw nk kata apa...
then, ak nh xpuas hati... sb kena mcm tu.. kena la jaga servis org ckp kan..walaupn dgn org sendiri......
ak ngadu la ngn sorg akak (yg bwk ak kje tmpt nh.. tp akak nh dh kena transfer ke Selangor )....
ak cite la gitu gini...
dah naseb kot.. xtaw mcm mana.. apa ak cite tu..
dpt ke bos yg kt Selangor td.. bos yg mintk akaun statement...
die nh mmg jenis x timbang rase.. ikt jek ckp die.. klu die salah pn, kena follow...
die marah la kt bos ak kt sini..
then bos ak kt sini pn marah la ak.. sb g ngadu mcm tu... hahahaha...
ak ckp menda btol, so ak xkesah la... tp ak kena marah skali atas kesalahan org laen..
yg tu mmg wat ak panas ati tol...
seb bek ms tu bos xda sb g roadshow.. a day after kena marah, ak mmg xbuat 1keje lgsg... internet, chat ngn yun... padan muke...
then rini jadi lagi...
ak suppose kena g jerantut, bentong and maran tuk roadshow...
skali ak dpt wit baget roadshow just RM 200..again...
mana nk wit hotel, mana nk byr minyak, tol, sewa tmpt interview.. ah..migrain ak..
bos ak ckp, wit pengurusan xmsk lg...
aduh... bla nk msk nye tu xtaw lak...
ak paham, bos ak pn penin gak ngn menda nh...
ngn gaji dak br ritu lmbt msk... tp kena lak gini dh gane?
dah ak n kwn ak decide nk grk pagi2 sblm subuh ke jerantut esk.. adeh.. keje gla...
apa la tempat keje ak nh...
byk lagi masalah...
dh la xconcern ngn pekerja..
nak kejar untung.. tp kebajikan pekerja xjaga...
cuti susah... duit claim xbg...
klu guna transport sendri utk wat keje marketing, jd apa - apa, xnk cover....
susah gini...
kita buat keje tuk dorg... utk company...
tp company wat mcm nh.. nak untung jek.....
ak cite kat abah n mama ak... then br ak paham n realize, kenapa budaya rasuah n menipu leh jg masa kerja...
sebab2 mcm nh la...
wat keje byk.. mcm2.. keje personal pn kena buat...
tp apa2 jadi xnak tanggung jawab...
tu yg keje jd x amanah kan?
dah xjujur... menipu laks... adeh... sadis...
presiden cakap, keje kena jujur.. amanah...apa org kata n ckp, abaikan..yg ptg keje berjalan dgn jujur...
tp tuan presiden cekik darah...
bg no sim tuk pekerja.. konon untuk memudahkan pekerja wat marketing..
tp gaji pekerja, kena potong rm100 per month tuk wit telefon td...
tuan bg laptop, broadband, tp monthly kena potong rm200 tuk laptop n broadband...
laptop n PC sedia ada, tuan ambil balik....payoh la gitu...
gaji dh la skit tuan oiii.....
dh guano? law deme keje nipu, dokleh nk kabo pe lah...
tuan gok yg cekik darah kami... kami nok idop gok...
nk simpan wit gok... doh gane? law wat kami gini..pah ceroh kami dok leh nk jaye...asek kena tekan..... susoh la gini...
aduyai....masuk Bersamamu dh 2-3 kali.... nulong oghe len, pekerja sendiri dok jage...
ahahaha.. tu la sikit cite pasal tmpt keje ak... ahahaha...
pengalaman nh...
so, by 20th Nov ak akan resign ngn jayanye.... nk cont apa yg xabs...
doa - doakan le yek kawan2.....
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Totemo ureshikatta yo kimi ga warai kaketeta
Subete o tokasu hohoemi de
Haru wa mada tookute tsumetai tsuchi no naka de
Mebuku toki o matte ita 'n da
Tatoeba kurushii kyou da to shite mo
Kinou no kizu o nokoshite ite mo
Shinjitai kokoro hodo ite yukeru to
Umare kawaru koto wa dekinai yo
Dakedo kawatte wa ikeru kara
Umare kawaru koto wa dekinai yo
Dakedo kawatte wa ikeru kara
Boku dake ni waratte sono yubi de nee sawatte
Nozomi bakari ga hateshinaku
Yasashiku shitai yo mou kuyamanu you ni
Nageki no umi mo koete ikou
*Tatoeba kurushii kyou da to shite mo
Itsu ka atatakana omoide ni naru
Kokoro goto subete nage daseta nara
Koko ni ikiteru imi ga wakaru yo
Umare ochita yorokobi o shiru
english translation:
I was so happy, you were laughing
With a smile that melts everything away
Spring is still far away, inside the cold earth,
Waiting for the time to sprout
For instance, even if today is painful
And yesterday's wounds remain
I want to believe that I can free my heart and go on
I cannot be reborn
But I can change as I go on, so
Let's stay together always
Smile only at me and touch me with those fingers
This simple desire is everlasting
I want things to be simple
Let's finally get across this sea of mournful sorrow
*For instance, even if today is painful
Someday it will become a warm memory
If you leave everything up to your heart
I understand the meaning our living here
It is to know the joy of having been born
Let's stay together always
it is such a bless....
when i was down.. there's some one who always be my side....
it's not someone actually...
lots of people around me..
keep amusing me by their word's spirit....
domo arigatou....
for keep be by my side....
and ALLAH, thanks for always be with me...
hamba-Mu yang penuh dengan kelemahan....
hope and pray...
that the only things i can do...
hoping He answer my pray someday...
sooner or later.....
-ps - achik..congratz for the job... hope this will teach u to be more responsible for your own life..... akak will owez there for you....
Subete o tokasu hohoemi de
Haru wa mada tookute tsumetai tsuchi no naka de
Mebuku toki o matte ita 'n da
Tatoeba kurushii kyou da to shite mo
Kinou no kizu o nokoshite ite mo
Shinjitai kokoro hodo ite yukeru to
Umare kawaru koto wa dekinai yo
Dakedo kawatte wa ikeru kara
Umare kawaru koto wa dekinai yo
Dakedo kawatte wa ikeru kara
Boku dake ni waratte sono yubi de nee sawatte
Nozomi bakari ga hateshinaku
Yasashiku shitai yo mou kuyamanu you ni
Nageki no umi mo koete ikou
*Tatoeba kurushii kyou da to shite mo
Itsu ka atatakana omoide ni naru
Kokoro goto subete nage daseta nara
Koko ni ikiteru imi ga wakaru yo
Umare ochita yorokobi o shiru
english translation:
I was so happy, you were laughing
With a smile that melts everything away
Spring is still far away, inside the cold earth,
Waiting for the time to sprout
For instance, even if today is painful
And yesterday's wounds remain
I want to believe that I can free my heart and go on
I cannot be reborn
But I can change as I go on, so
Let's stay together always
Smile only at me and touch me with those fingers
This simple desire is everlasting
I want things to be simple
Let's finally get across this sea of mournful sorrow
*For instance, even if today is painful
Someday it will become a warm memory
If you leave everything up to your heart
I understand the meaning our living here
It is to know the joy of having been born
Let's stay together always

when i was down.. there's some one who always be my side....
it's not someone actually...
lots of people around me..
keep amusing me by their word's spirit....
domo arigatou....
for keep be by my side....
and ALLAH, thanks for always be with me...
hamba-Mu yang penuh dengan kelemahan....
hope and pray...
that the only things i can do...
hoping He answer my pray someday...
sooner or later.....
-ps - achik..congratz for the job... hope this will teach u to be more responsible for your own life..... akak will owez there for you....
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
[ LYRICS ] Miley Cyrus - The Climb
I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming but
There's a voice inside my head sayin,
You'll never reach it,
Every step I'm taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high
There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what?s waiting on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing,
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes they knock me down but
No I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on, cause
There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It's all about
It's all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith
---- this song Erina dedicated for me when i'm in deep sorrow.... heh
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