hoho.. ak mmg xda kije... sj jek... dpt ilham nk mapek...
ok.. ak suke amat cite house nh... ak xtaw nape.. tp i really like this TV series.. ak xksh bape kali nk tgk, bape kali ulangan.. yg ptg ak suke..
For me, dr geogory house nh len dr manusia len... die byk pengalaman.. taw apa yg nk diselesaikn n taw nk manipulate peple minds..... his tagline "everybody lies" ," the patient is lying" or " the symptoms never lie"... die betul2 confident n the way je treat his patient pn laen... arghhh... i like...
the main character of house cast by hugh laurie... his background mmg related to medical since his father was a doctor n penah menang gold award or sumting... kire nye hugh laurie nh mmg membesar dalam persekitaran yg layak buat die belakon jd doctor... huhu...
however , House is in many respects a medical Sherlock Holmes. This resemblance is evident in various elements of the series' plot, such as House's reliance on psychology to solve a case, his reluctance to accept cases he does not find interesting, his drug addiction, home address (apartment 221B), playing of an instrument, relationship with Dr. James Wilson (who parallels Dr. John Watson),and his encounter with a crazed gunman credited as "Moriarty", which is the same name as Holmes' nemesis. Also, series creator David Shore has said that Dr. House's name is meant as "a subtle homage" to Sherlock Holmes (i.e., homes)... isn't it an interesting series? why doubt about it.. uhuhu
ok ak merapek lagi.. wakakaka
esok balik uniten.. nk send report.. harap smp ngn selamat.. aminnn