just want to write about her...
tatkala ak tgh pulun stdy for my final exam,ak tringt kt die suddenly....
her name is laila zahra badrul hisham... i noe her tru dhiya or hidayah... my close fren when i was in secondary school ...
ms memula kenal laila or panggilan ak kt die: lala, ak takut sgt ngn die... muke kelat n masam gile.. tp ak nk gak kenal ngn die sb nk pinjam komik sailormoon... haha... malas nk beli, n dhiya ckp lala beli sume komik tu.. so, ptg tu, abs kls ms form 2, i went down with dhiya to see her...
ngn takut2 lepas kenal nama and so on; ak tny " leh x nk pinjam komik sailormoon tu?"...
and she answer me ; "amik la".....
tapi gaya muke yg garang tu wat ak rs; ikhlas ke x die nh... tp sb nk bace nye pasal; ak amk gak..lantak la...
then kenal yg gitu2.. end pn gitu2...
ms form 4, lala naek kls ak.. terer r leh msk kls RK kan... huhu... then we becoming more closer .. ak , lala and dhiya .. walopn ms tu ak xduk ngn mereka n more ngn grup ak....
tp lala is special.. die xkesah apa org nk kata.. wat apa die nk wat..peduli ngn sume org.. n she kreatif.. sm mcm dhiya... suke men lukis2.. tampal2.. comel laks tu... 1 jek yg lala xsuke; amk gamba...
n believe it, almost 10 yrs we being fren; xpenah sekali ak amk bergamba ngn lala.. she declines it.. cisss.. nk kena lala nh....
my dear lala; i love u so much... tx for everything u do for me.. i appreciate.. u are very specel... xpenah bosan melayan ak n we stil close like before.. love u beb...
to u my lala ... i dedicated this song for you....
Kiroro - Best Friend
I don't have to worry anymore, cause you will be by my side when I cry
You always smile at me
I am blessed because you always shine before me
Things that we have missed hastily at time, that's the way it is
Faces that always being looked at
Forever hugging each other
Your smile has helped me endless time, you know
Thank you thank you Best Friend
These plenty happiness that I felt at this moment
All the friends that I have here, you the best present
I am blessed because you always be by our side
Surely things that I have accomplished here, those things too give me strength (change to strength)
Faces that always being looked at
Forever hugging each other
All of your smile has helped me endless time, you know
Thank you thank you Best Friend
Things that we have missed hastily at time, that's the way it is
Faces that always being looked at
Forever hugging each other
Your smile has helped me endless time, you know
Thank you thank you Best Friend
Always always always my Best Friend
Mou daijoubu shinpai nai to nakisou na watashi no soba de
itsumo kawaranai egao de sasayaite kureta
mada mada mada yareru yo datte itsu demo kagayaiteru
toki ni wa isogisugite miushinau koto mo aru yo shikatanai
zutto mimamotte iru karatte egao de
itsumo no you ni dakishimeta
anata no egao ni nando tasukerareta darou
arigatou arigatou Best Friend
Konna ni takusan no shiawase kanjiru toki wa shunkan de
koko ni iru subete no nakama kara saikou no purezento
mada mada mada yareru yo datte itsu demo minna soba ni iru
kitto ima koko de yari togerareru koto sonna koto mo chikara nikawaru
zutto mimamotte iru karatte egao de
itsumo no you ni dakishimeta
minna no egao ni nando tasukerareta darou
arigatou arigatou Best Friend
Toki ni wa isogisugite miushinau koto mo aru yo shikatanai
zutto mimamotte iru karatte egao de
itsumo no you ni dakishimeta
anata no egao ni nando tasukerareta darou
arigatou arigatou Best Friend
Zutto zutto zutto Best Friend