i take it from about.com...
its kinda interesting... sama mcm apa yg sensei atashi ajo lu..
huhu..jom belajo... bankyou desu....
for the beginning, we learn the words first ok...hiragana dulu ok... yang nh senang la utk tulisan jepon... next katakana... usually katakana nh perkataan bahasa inggeris... yg di "jepon"kn.. hee... kanji susah sket.. sb smbg2 perktaan.. n atashi xkhtam lg...
Hiragana Lessons
Hiragana Chart
Japanese is written in a combination of three scripts: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. Kanji represents ideas or objects, hiragana expresses the grammatical relationships between them. Katakana is used for words of foreign origin. Like romaji, both hiragana and katakana characters represent one syllable and have no meaning other than the representation of sound. Though Japanese is usually written in a combination of three scripts, Japanese sentences can be written in either hiragana or katakana only. I think learning hiragana and katakana is a good start for Japanese writing.
I will show 46 basic hiragana characters this time, and in the following lessons I will introduce how to write them.
hee... from the right.. to the left....
a, i , u , e , o
ka ki ku ke ko
sha shi shu se' so
ta chi tu te to
na ni nu ne no
ha hi fu he ho
ma mi mu me mo
ya yu yo
ra ri ru re ro
wa wo
thats how we pronounce it...
later, if atashi rajin, i will apdate lg.. k..
mata janeh~~ また会いましょう